HAC Athletics Philosophy & Partnership

Philosophy & Partnership


Athletics are a very important and meaningful aspect of both Allendale Columbia and The Harley School’s education. Participating in team sports allows students to learn discipline, while developing healthy habits and experiencing the camaraderie and sense of purpose that comes when participating on a team.

Every student is encouraged to participate in a sport and HAC athletics provides opportunities at 3 different levels: modified, J.V. and varsity. When interscholastic competition begins in Middle School, our teams are all-inclusive, so every student who wants to play can be part of the team.

The Harley Allendale Columbia Partnership

Allendale Columbia School and The Harley School maintain a joint athletic program to offer the best possible athletic options for student-athletes. By combining resources, student bodies, facilities, as well as faculty for coaching purposes, both schools can offer dynamic sports programs that fully support the physical, mental and social development of each student athlete.

The HAC athletics program provides a variety of team sport experiences that help develop teamwork, sportsmanship and good citizenship, while establishing good habits that prepare students for the future.

Our student athletes experience kinship and competition, while learning to win and lose gracefully. Positive life values are developed and the time management skills the students learn will benefit them for life.